Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are Republicans Using Conservatives?

The answer to that question seems to be an apparent and emphatic: YES!  I was reading the Conservative news sites that I often frequent and ran across something that is very astonishing for Republicans.  At least so I thought.  They're changing the party rules to make it harder for Conservative activists to impact Republican primaries.

This sounds something right out of the the liberal-progressive playbook.  In fact, I thought the news stories were talking about Democrats, then I read further and realized that it was Republicans changing the rules.

Do Republicans support the Tea Party, or Conservative, agenda or not?  If so, then they need to help us elect Conservative leaders who will implement it.  However, they need to stop treating us like we're stupid because if they doing anything to squelch Conservatives ability to elect our leaders, then we're just going to create our own Conservative National Committee (Conservative Party).

I began to have high hopes for Mitt Romney when he chose Paul Ryan to be his running-mate.  I thought just maybe he is the Conservative he claims to be.  I started thinking maybe his changes in positions really are as sincere as he says they are.  But if he supports these rule changes, then I don't know if I can support Romney for President.

Send a message to the RNC by contacting the Rules Committee delegates and tell them don't change the rules or they will lose their base.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Breaking News: Mitt Romney Taps Paul Ryan

Mitt Romney has spoken.  He has made his first important decision he can make before he becomes President of the United States of America.  His decision is Representative Paul Ryan.

This was truly one of Mr. Romney’s most important decisions he would make during the campaign.  Most importantly, Mr. Romney needed to choose someone he believed could step in as President if something were to happen to Romney.

However, probably even more important was whether Mr. Romney would choose someone that could convince Conservatives that they could trust Governor Mitt Romney as their nominee to defeat President Barack Obama.  Mr. Romney also needed to pick someone that would complement Mr. Romney’s strengths and not necessarily steal the spotlight from the candidate himself.

Choosing Paul Ryan

The Establishment calls Paul Ryan a policy wonk and too wonkish.  The Tea Party likes him because Paul Ryan is bold and seeks real solutions to America’s real problems.

Mr. Ryan is an excellent choice for Vice President.  He is a capable, articulate, and a great communicator.  Mr. Romney needs to let Mr. Ryan be Paul Ryan.  He needs to not try to micromanage Mr. Ryan the way the McCain Campaign tried to do with Governor Sarah Palin.

This choice helps Mr. Romney solidify his commitment to restoring America’s economy and creating real jobs.  It also is a choice that could convince Conservatives that Mr. Romney is committed to their Conservative budgetary and fiscal solutions.

When Herman Cain announced that he was running for President, I was so excited because I thought, “Finally, we have a leader that can restore America!”  I was fully committed to helping Herman Cain defeat Barack Obama.

Newt Gingrich was the best Conservative choice after Herman Cain was forced out of the race.  I believed Mr. Gingrich was the next best choice because he had the ideas and he had the leadership that led a revolution that began to restore America back in the 1990’s.

Let me be honest.  I didn’t know whether I could support Mitt Romney no matter what because he seemed like an Obama-lite.  Mr. Romney’s plans seemed to show that he had no conviction and was more committed to practical, timid policies.

However, this choice of Representative Paul Ryan has, at the very least, convinced me that just maybe Mitt Romney really does want to find real solutions to America’s real problems.  That is why today I am announcing my endorsement of Paul Ryan for Vice President to defeat Barack Obama.  I will be casting my vote for Paul Ryan for Vice President, even if that means voting for Mitt Romney for President.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Romney's Tax Returns and Obama's College Records

Although the general election doesn’t really start until after the national party conventions, it’s pretty much already started between Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama.  Mr. Obama has such a terrible record as being the anti-freedom, anti-jobs, food stamp president that he can’t run on it.  He knows this and this is why he is viciously attacking Gov. Romney.

I’m not a Romney fan by any stretch of the imagination.  Gov. Romney wasn’t as Conservative as he says he was in his political career, and his current policies are timid at best.  However, no matter what you think of Gov. Romney, the attacks from Mr. Obama’s campaign have been vicious.

Mr. Obama first started with attacking Gov. Romney’s private sector record at Bain Capital.  As vicious and personal those attacks have been, they seem to have not gained much traction for Mr. Obama.  That brings us to the new string of attacks on Gov. Romney from Mr. Obama.

Mr. Obama and his team have decided, in my opinion, to go even more personal by choosing to attack Gov. Romney’s tax returns.  They seem to imply that Gov. Romney is this rich, profit-making corrupt twit (that’s my version of an expletive).  How does Mr. Obama want Gov. Romney to prove he’s not corrupt?  He wants him to release his tax returns as far back as 10 years.

Gov. Romney should continue to resist and continue to talk about his plans to grow America’s economy.  Better yet, Gov. Romney needs to get bolder in his plans to grow the economy.

However, Gov. Romney could also hold a Press Conference to make a big announcement.  That big announcement could be for Gov. Romney to ask President Obama to release his college records.  If Mr. Obama will publicly release all of his college records, then Gov. Romney could release more of his tax returns.  Gov. Romney should not run away from the wealth he has built for himself and his family.  He worked hard to get where he has gotten financially.  He should praise wealth creation.

The Establishment Just Doesn't Get the Tea Party

I meant to comment on this article that I found over at FoxNews.com earlier.   In this article, Fox News’ James Rosen poses the question: “Is the Tea Party the new ‘Establishment’?”   That question assumes that it’s about who has the organization and the money to win elections.

That’s a false understanding of what both the Tea Party and the Establishment are.  The Tea Party is about principles and ideas, and electing leaders who will stand up for those principles and ideas.  The Establishment is a political machine that is concerned with one thing: how to keep and maintain their power.

Yes it is true that there have been people and organizations that have money backing the Tea Party candidates recently.  However, if you compare the Tea Party candidates’ money to the Establishment candidates’ money, the Establishment still has the edge over the Tea Party.

That gets me back to my point.  It is not about who has the money and the organization.  It is becoming increasingly clear that the Tea Party is making elections be about what they should have been about from the beginning: Principles and Ideas.

The antithesis of the Tea Party is all things Establishment.  The day the “Tea Party” becomes “Establishment” is the day it will cease to be the Tea Party.  What has made the Tea Party so successful is not the money behind organizations like FreedomWorks or people like the Koch Brothers, but the fact that the Tea Party is a people-based movement.  The Tea Party has a lot of people who are passionate about their principles and ideas that they have shown they can turn out the vote.

The Tea Party is not some political machine that is trying to gain power.  It is a movement of people that believe in the Founding Principles of this great country known as the United States of America.