Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Romney's Tax Returns and Obama's College Records

Although the general election doesn’t really start until after the national party conventions, it’s pretty much already started between Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama.  Mr. Obama has such a terrible record as being the anti-freedom, anti-jobs, food stamp president that he can’t run on it.  He knows this and this is why he is viciously attacking Gov. Romney.

I’m not a Romney fan by any stretch of the imagination.  Gov. Romney wasn’t as Conservative as he says he was in his political career, and his current policies are timid at best.  However, no matter what you think of Gov. Romney, the attacks from Mr. Obama’s campaign have been vicious.

Mr. Obama first started with attacking Gov. Romney’s private sector record at Bain Capital.  As vicious and personal those attacks have been, they seem to have not gained much traction for Mr. Obama.  That brings us to the new string of attacks on Gov. Romney from Mr. Obama.

Mr. Obama and his team have decided, in my opinion, to go even more personal by choosing to attack Gov. Romney’s tax returns.  They seem to imply that Gov. Romney is this rich, profit-making corrupt twit (that’s my version of an expletive).  How does Mr. Obama want Gov. Romney to prove he’s not corrupt?  He wants him to release his tax returns as far back as 10 years.

Gov. Romney should continue to resist and continue to talk about his plans to grow America’s economy.  Better yet, Gov. Romney needs to get bolder in his plans to grow the economy.

However, Gov. Romney could also hold a Press Conference to make a big announcement.  That big announcement could be for Gov. Romney to ask President Obama to release his college records.  If Mr. Obama will publicly release all of his college records, then Gov. Romney could release more of his tax returns.  Gov. Romney should not run away from the wealth he has built for himself and his family.  He worked hard to get where he has gotten financially.  He should praise wealth creation.

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