Thursday, October 18, 2012

American Leadership and Peace through Strength and Clarity

The economy throughout this entire election has been the number one issue on Americans minds that was going to decide the election.  It probably still is the number one issue.  However, the failure to secure our embassies in Libya and Egypt, and elsewhere throughout the Middle East, which caused the deaths of four Americans in Libya, has put foreign policy and national security close behind the economy as the number two issue.  Over the past four years, America has seen a drastic decline in American leadership on international issues and crises thanks to President Barack Obama’s apology doctrine that seems to put third world Marxist nations above his own country.

President Obama seems committed to diminishing America’s role and leadership in the world.  His apology doctrine was on full display back in 2009 when he gave his Cairo speech.  The fact that he is slow to fight Iran, Venezuela, and Russia, who were America’s biggest enemies during President Bush’s Administration (Russia did fool the Bush Administration too), verifiably shows where President Obama focuses his foreign policy priorities.  However, he will vehemently oppose the foreign leaders that were actually helping President Bush and America fight terrorism in their countries, as well as the larger international community.

The Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America needs to be the leader of America, not of the world.  He needs to be able to put America and her interests first.  If it is in American interests to ensure that freedom and liberty is defended in other countries, then the President is to do whatever it takes to defend freedom.  America is the only country that is big enough militarily and economically to lead the world in defense of freedom.  The best way to ensure that America is in a position to ensure the torch of liberty remains lit around the world is remain in a position of strength, and to clearly define who our friends and enemies are in this fight for freedom.  The leader of the free world should also have a policy of clarity in America’s intention to do whatever it takes to defend freedom and liberty.

America is in desperate need for a leader who will reassert American leadership at home and abroad.  We must let our friends and allies know that we stand with them.  We must do what it takes to stop our adversaries and enemies.  The United Nations is a joke.  It doesn’t promote peace and human rights.  It gives the enemies of freedom and violators of human rights seats at a human rights table.  It gives America’s enemies a voice to spew out their hatred for America and for freedom.  If Governor Mitt Romney is elected this November, he should re-think the United States’ role in the United Nations and consider withdrawing from the international body of nitwits.  The United States military should be strengthened by eliminating waste and implementing new defense systems.

Governor Romney, if elected, should restore our global competitiveness as a way to maintain our strength around the world.  The number one way to strengthen our global competitiveness is to completely replace our current tax code with either the 9-9-9 Plan or the FairTax Plan to grow the American economy and make America more attractive for businesses to move to America.  The other step to making America more competitive in the world is to expand free trade and ensure that participating nations abide by the no-barrier trade rules.  The next President also needs to implement an energy independence plan that will make the United States and North America energy independent from oil-rich countries that hate us.  These policies will allow America to outgrow our competitors and enemies, which will put America in a position of strength to promote peace and freedom.

There are urgent threats that America needs to address that being in a position of strength will help us address those threats.  America cannot allow Iran to achieve the capability of developing nuclear weapons.  Islamist-fascist leaders cannot be allowed to control the Middle East region, or any region.  We have porous borders that allow people to skirt our laws, which allow terrorists to take advantage of our system to carry out their plans to kill Americans.  We should be an open and welcoming society of those who want to come here and seek better opportunities for themselves and their families.  However, we are also an independent and sovereign nation that has laws, so we must also demand that people abide by our laws.  America also has a more urgent threat than nuclear weapons being launch at us, which are Cyber and Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attacks.  A Romney Administration must develop a national strategy that will shield America against Cyber and EMP attacks.  Strength and clarity is the best and only policy to ensure that peace and freedom are defended and protected at home and around the world.

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