Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Who Is More Presidential On Foreign Policy Issues?

In the foreign policy debates, coming across as Presidential and knowing enough about the international issues facing America to be a plausible Commander-in-Chief is the primary goal for Presidential candidates.  Presidential incumbents should win the foreign policy debate because they have so much more information on their side.  The pundits wanted Governor Mitt Romney to be specific, and to lay into President Barack Obama’s mishandling of the Benghazi terrorist attacks.  President Obama did exactly what people thought he would do: attack Governor Romney and try to get him agitated.  President Obama’s strategy didn’t work.

All Governor Romney had to do was be calm, and deliver a big picture vision of an American foreign policy.  He also needed to show that he had a solid grasp of foreign issues and crises, and would be a plausible Commander-in-Chief.  Foreign policy isn’t the place to necessarily distinguish himself from an incumbent President, unless there is a clear difference without attacking the sitting Commander-in-Chief’s decisions.

President Obama needed to try to make it a clear difference where he was portrayed as Presidential, and Governor Romney is portrayed as someone who doesn’t understand foreign policy issues.  Mr. Obama wanted to be seen as the adult at the table, while Mr. Romney would be seen as an inept politician.  In my opinion, it didn’t work.  Governor Romney was the one who appeared Presidential with a real vision for American leadership.

Everyone is saying that President Obama won that final debate, with Governor Romney doing better on the economy.  Maybe I’m just knew to the political scene, but I don’t get how they could think President Obama won.  He didn’t offer any vision, or answers to the Libya debacle.  All he did was attack Governor Romney with his usual lies and pettiness.

President Obama also did not come across as Presidential.  He came across as his arrogant and childish self.  He wore the contempt he has for Governor Romney right on his sleeves for all to see.  The President got agitated at Governor Romney, while Governor Romney stayed calm.  Long-term, Governor Romney won that third and final debate.  Governor Romney will improve his lead over President Obama and go onto win on November 6.

Conservatives, Libertarians, and Republicans don’t always agree on every single issue.  However, we do agree that we must do whatever it takes to defeat Barack Obama and take back the White House.  We can’t just defeat President Obama though.  We have to also take back the United States Senate and retain control of the United States House of Representatives.  If we are going to move America in the right direction towards eventually restoring the principles of her founding documents, we must unite and reclaim the Senate too.

Once Republicans regain control of both houses of the Congress along with the White House, then we Conservatives and Libertarians can put the necessary grassroots heat to force the Republicans to implement our agendas.  The first 100 days of a Romney-Ryan Administration and a Republican Congress will be critical in forcing them to cut spending, cap spending, balance the budget, and get the economy growing again with real fundamental tax code replacement.  Conservatives and Libertarians should come together to develop a 100 day unity agenda with cutting, capping, balancing, and replacing as our four policy goals.

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