Is any Common Sense-thinking American really surprised at
the recent presidential poll numbers showing President Obama leading, and in
some cases gaining ground? Granted most
of the polls are within the margin of error and a lot can change in an election
very quickly, and most of the polls are skewed in favor of Mr. Obama. Governor Romney still doesn’t have an excuse,
at least not a good one, for running behind in the polls when he’s running
against the worst President in American history. Why hasn’t Mr. Romney run away with the election
by now? Why isn’t he able to solidify
his base and independents to support him?
I’ll tell you why in two words: THE ESTABLISHMENT. Mr. Romney has always talked in generalities
like “I have a plan for a stronger middle class, while Obama’s stimulus
spending has failed us.” However, he
rarely takes a stand on bold solutions and explains those bold solutions. THE ESTABLISHMENT has convinced him not to do
anything that will supposedly jeopardize his chances at defeating Mr. Obama by
making the election a referendum on Mr. Obama’s failed policies. Who’s still behind in the polls? Governor Romney.
The only problem is that doing nothing is jeopardizing his
chances at defeating the worst President in American history. America has big problems that require bold
solutions and bold leadership. When Mr.
Romney picked Representative Paul Ryan to be his running mate I had a glimmer
of hope that Mr. Romney was finally going to tell his establishment advisers where they can put their timid advice, and finally be the bold candidate and
bold leader that America needs. However,
since then, Mr. Romney seems to have backtracked and started listening to his
establishment advisers again.
The American people do need to know and understand why Mr.
Obama’s failed policies and failed leadership has been the worst in American
history. However, that won’t be good
enough. The people don’t want to just
vote against someone to get new leadership.
They want to be able to vote for new leadership that has a vision and
the solutions that will get America working again. That is why THE ESTABLISHMENT’s idea of doing
a referendum-only strategy without offering bold solutions is dumb.
That is why a big choice strategy is the best option for Mr.
Romney’s campaign. A big choice strategy
explains both Mr. Obama’s failed leadership as well as Mr. Romney’s bold
leadership. A big choice election is a
referendum strategy with bold solutions and bold leadership. Candidates for any office, particularly for
the White House, should give the American people a reason to vote for them (not
just against their opponent).
President Obama has to attack Governor Romney on the petty
issues instead of offering his own solutions because he has a record of failed
policies, and he’s on record proposing basically the same failed policies. Governor Romney can offer his own bold
solutions, and explain to the American people why those bold solutions are
better than Mr. Obama’s failed policies.
The Tea Party and Conservatives are looking for a leader with a bold
vision that will not only get America working again, but also restore America
to her founding principles.
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